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Chakra Yoga Teacher Training
Welcome and Course Overview (8:02)
What are Chakras? (52:30)
Importance of Balancing Chakras
The Pancha Kosha - The Five Bodies
Pancha Kosha (20:58)
Anamayakosha - The body made of Food (23:06)
Pranamayakosha - The body made of Life Force (18:46)
Manomayakosha - The Lower Mind (20:32)
Vijnanamayakosha - The Higher Mind (10:14)
Anandamayakosha - The body made of Bliss (28:07)
The Bandhas
Intro to the Bandhas (36:21)
Contraindications (4:45)
Mula Bandha (14:52)
Uddiana Bandha (21:13)
Jalandhara Bandha (9:20)
Maha Bandha (15:07)
The Modern Approach To Bandhas (12:50)
The Bandhas Practice Part 1 (101:17)
The Bandhas Practice Part 2 (83:49)
Muladhara Chakra - The Root Chakra
Root Chakra - Muladhara (43:43)
Muladhara Chakra Practice (185:16)
Introduction to the techniques
Intro to the Techniques (32:27)
Techniques: Preparations and Warm-ups
Preparations and Warm-ups (19:28)
Opening Chant (5:29)
Chakra Initiation (13:34)
Side to Side Breathing (5:24)
Dynamic Majariasana (5:21)
MulaBandha Activation (7:24)
Nadi Purification (19:57)
Classical Hatha Surya Namaskar (26:20)
Sequencing: How to End Practices
How to Close the Techniques (14:01)
Techniques: Muladhara Chakra
Siddhasana (10:32)
Ashwini Mudra (7:57)
Ardhasetubandhasana (4:13)
Finger Breathing (2:37)
Activating the Leg Nadis (5:57)
Pavanamuktasana (5:38)
Foot Massage (8:55)
Foundation (9:43)
Balasana & Balasana Ullola (6:55)
Makarasana (7:51)
Lunge & Ardha-Hanumanasana (2:42)
A Note About the Meditative Poses (14:44)
Padahastasana (6:40)
Grounding and Charging (5:45)
Calming the Storm (2:54)
Utkatasana Variations (2:54)
Humble Warrior (2:01)
Uttitha Trikonasana (7:29)
Prasarita Padotonasana (3:01)
Malasana (2:27)
Baddhakonasana Variations (5:09)
Janu Sirsasana & Paschimotonasana (10:29)
Virasana (3:06)
Belly Breathing (4:59)
Bija Mantra Chanting & Music Meditation (14:06)
Legs Up The Wall (1:24)
Affirmations (12:33)
Counterposing (13:28)
Svadhisthana Chakra - The Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana (33:14)
Svadhisthana Chakra Practice (182:20)
Techniques: Svadhisthana Chakra
Sukhasana (2:37)
Rocking the Pelvis & Pleasure Exploration (16:42)
Windscreen Wipers & Happy Baby (8:27)
Leaning Fwds and Back (5:06)
Sardulasana (10:43)
Scissor Leg Breathing (2:44)
Chandrasana (2:02)
Ardha Chandrasana (3:10)
Ullola: Balasana to Hanging Bhujangasana (2:34)
Shalabasana (5:11)
Yoniasana (1:54)
Matsyasana (5:21)
Upavista Konasana (4:07)
Sheetali Pranayama & Bija Mantra Chanting (10:54)
Teaching Theory: Intention
Clarity of intention (16:11)
Manipura Chakra - The Navel Chakra
Navel Chakra - Manipura (53:05)
Manipura Chakra Practice (187:34)
Techniques: Manipura Chakra
Intro to Manipura & Svastikasana (9:25)
Seated Majariasana (6:08)
Parvritta Sukhasana (2:22)
Sahaja Agni Sara Dhauti Kriya (4:28)
Uddiana Bandha Kriya (+ Agnisara & Nauli Kriyas) (23:24)
Core work and warrior flow (8:20)
Classical Trikonasana (+ Parvritta Trikonasana) (11:51)
Natarajasana (4:28)
Pavanamuktasana (3:02)
Nabhyasana Variations (6:50)
Backbends (8:21)
Supta Vajrasana (3:16)
Mandukasana (2:12)
Bastrika Pranayma + Bija Mantra (9:03)
Anahata Chakra - The Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra - Anahata (34:10)
Anahata Chakra Practice (195:30)
Techniques: Anahata Chakra
Intro to Anahata + Vajrasana (8:35)
Reclining Supported Heart Opener (7:13)
Uddiana Bandha for Anahata + Standing Pose Options (11:19)
Tapping Katicakrasana (3:09)
Angel Tapping (4:14)
Ullola: Ustrasana to Shashasana (4:33)
Ullola: Setu Bandhasana (13:19)
Gomukhasana (9:49)
Rajakapotasana (4:59)
Bhujangasana (7:36)
Pranayama / Meditation / Kirtan (13:47)
Vishuddha Chakra - The Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (31:55)
Vishuddha Chakra Practice (188:10)
Techniques: Vishuddha Chakra
Intro to Vishuddha and Seated options (16:27)
Hands Behind Head Breathing (3:29)
Parivritta Samana Mudra (2 versions) (7:06)
Bhujangasana Padadristi (5:10)
Viparitakarani Mudra (15:11)
Matsyasana (6:48)
Ardha Matsyandrasana (5:46)
Salamba Sarvangasana & Setu Bandhasana (8:08)
Creative Sound (16:04)
Simha Mudra (4:21)
Pranayama, Meditation & Mantra (6:32)
Ajna Chakra - The Third Eye
Third Eye Chakra - Ajna (48:43)
Ajna Chakra Practice (183:43)
Techniques: Ajna Chakra
Intro to Ajna & Some Seated Options (9:49)
Eye Yoga (2:42)
Lateral Head Tilt Ullola (2:11)
Tadasana Prana-Beam (3:59)
Parsvottanasana (3:36)
Garudasana (2:44)
Warrior 3 & Ajna Flow (5:59)
Ardha Pincha-Mayurasana (3:49)
Halasana (5:16)
Shambhavi Mudra (4:31)
Trataka (5:33)
Nadi Shodana (10:36)
Mantra - AUM (5:37)
Sahasrara Chakra - The Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (19:29)
Sahasrara Chakra Practice (193:01)
Techniques: Sahasrara Chakra
Intro to Sahasrara (9:52)
Padahastasana Variation (2:40)
Prasarita Padottanasana (2:13)
Sasangasana (3:47)
Viparita Dandasana (145:08)
Sirsasana (10:28)
Visarga Meditation (7:44)
The Seven Steps
Final Words (8:47)
Anamayakosha - The body made of Food
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