The Chakra Training
Dive deep into the swirling world of energy within you with our comprehensive online journey through the chakras. From the grounding force of the Root to the divine connection of the Crown, you'll explore each of the seven main energy centers in detail. Unlock the mysteries of ancient wisdom as you learn about the history, symbolism, and cultural significance of chakra systems. You’ll get to know how these energy vortexes influence your physical well-being, emotional balance, and spiritual health, providing you with a holistic approach to aligning your life force.
As you progress, you’ll master ways to harness and harmonise your chakras for optimal living, impacting everything from managing stress to enhancing creativity. Whether you’re looking to amp up your self-care routine or integrate chakra work into your professional practice as a yoga teacher, this course is your ticket to a richer, more vibrant understanding of your inner workings and how they reflect in your day-to-day life.
What You Will Learn: Insights from the Teacher
In this training, I share OVER ONE-HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUES related to the 7 Chakras and Pranamayakosha (The Energy Body). This is HUGE! It took me years of study with multiple teachers across Asia and the US to learn them all... and I've packaged everything into a video-based course that you will have lifetime access to.
In my time teaching classes, workshops and trainings, I found that my most popular offerings were related to the Chakras. And other Teachers would approach me all the time saying that they loved Chakra work but didn't know how to incorporate it into their classes.​
So, in 2024 I finally filmed this Yoga Alliance approved yoga teacher training, which I've been planning for almost a decade. And the unique thing about it: it is PRACTICAL rather than theoretical. By this I mean that we focus on techniques you can teach - and how to create sequences or incorporate them into your existing style.​
Of course we do also cover some theory; so you'll still deepen your knowledge about the qualities and characteristics of the individual centers and how the system operates holistically. However the main focus is the practices themselves and how to teach them.
I promise you that there is so much knowledge contained in these 50 hours that it'll keep your teaching fresh for years to come! What is more, you will have access to the Path of Yoga group Zoom calls, that currently happen with me every 2 weeks. So you have all the opportunity to ask questions and get support.
The Path of Yoga Chakra YTT is a natural progression in your journey as both a practitioner and a teacher...
This 50-hour Chakra YTT will help you:
- Stand out as a Teacher by being able to lead and incorporate Chakra Techniques
- Elevate your personal practice by exploring the chakra system in detail.
- Cultivate greater presence and understanding in your teaching routine.
This online course is pre-recorded so you can go at your own speed... And although its a stand-alone course in itself, it is also actually a part of our 300-hour Advanced Level course... (the rest of which is a 28 night retreat at our location in Thailand). So should you one day decide to join us for the 300-Hour, you will have already completed the online component of that course! (Our next 300hr YTT is in June 2025 btw).
When I first put together this comprehensive journey through the chakras, my intention was to create something truly special that would welcome both beginners and seasoned yoga practitioners with open arms. I've meticulously tailored each layer of the content to ensure that, even if you're new to the concept of energy centers, you'll find the lessons accessible and profoundly enriching.
It brings me such joy to share that participants consistently tell me how transformative they find the experience — the course is packed with detailed modules that are as informative as they are engaging. And don't worry about feeling overwhelmed; it's all organised in a way that you can progress at your own pace, with clarity and support every step of the way. Whether you're seeking personal growth or a deeper understanding of your energy body, I'm confident that you'll find this educational path both enlightening and deeply practical.
I look forward to welcoming you to the course and catching up with you on the next call!
Discover the 50-Hour Chakra Yoga Teacher Training with James
Join James as he walks you through the transformative benefits of our 50-hour Chakra Yoga Teacher Training. This training dives deep into the chakra system, offering practical tools for understanding and balancing energy centres. Perfect for yoga teachers and beginners, healers, and anyone looking to deepen their practice, this course includes comprehensive modules on chakra theory, asana sequences, guided meditations, and teaching techniques. Find out how this training can enhance your practice and teaching!
- Siddhasana (10:32)
- Ashwini Mudra (7:57)
- Ardhasetubandhasana (4:13)
- Finger Breathing (2:37)
- Activating the Leg Nadis (5:57)
- Pavanamuktasana (5:38)
- Foot Massage (8:55)
- Foundation (9:43)
- Balasana & Balasana Ullola (6:55)
- Makarasana (7:51)
- Lunge & Ardha-Hanumanasana (2:42)
- A Note About the Meditative Poses (14:44)
- Padahastasana (6:40)
- Grounding and Charging (5:45)
- Calming the Storm (2:54)
- Utkatasana Variations (2:54)
- Humble Warrior (2:01)
- Uttitha Trikonasana (7:29)
- Prasarita Padotonasana (3:01)
- Malasana (2:27)
- Baddhakonasana Variations (5:09)
- Janu Sirsasana & Paschimotonasana (10:29)
- Virasana (3:06)
- Belly Breathing (4:59)
- Bija Mantra Chanting & Music Meditation (14:06)
- Legs Up The Wall (1:24)
- Affirmations (12:33)
- Sukhasana (2:37)
- Rocking the Pelvis & Pleasure Exploration (16:42)
- Windscreen Wipers & Happy Baby (8:27)
- Leaning Fwds and Back (5:06)
- Sardulasana (10:43)
- Scissor Leg Breathing (2:44)
- Chandrasana (2:02)
- Ardha Chandrasana (3:10)
- Ullola: Balasana to Hanging Bhujangasana (2:34)
- Shalabasana (5:11)
- Yoniasana (1:54)
- Matsyasana (5:21)
- Upavista Konasana (4:07)
- Sheetali Pranayama & Bija Mantra Chanting (10:54)
- Intro to Manipura & Svastikasana (9:25)
- Seated Majariasana (6:08)
- Parvritta Sukhasana (2:22)
- Sahaja Agni Sara Dhauti Kriya (4:28)
- Uddiana Bandha Kriya (+ Agnisara & Nauli Kriyas) (23:24)
- Core work and warrior flow (8:20)
- Classical Trikonasana (+ Parvritta Trikonasana) (11:51)
- Natarajasana (4:28)
- Pavanamuktasana (3:02)
- Nabhyasana Variations (6:50)
- Backbends (8:21)
- Supta Vajrasana (3:16)
- Mandukasana (2:12)
- Bastrika Pranayma + Bija Mantra (9:03)
- Intro to Anahata + Vajrasana (8:35)
- Reclining Supported Heart Opener (7:13)
- Uddiana Bandha for Anahata + Standing Pose Options (11:19)
- Tapping Katicakrasana (3:09)
- Angel Tapping (4:14)
- Ullola: Ustrasana to Shashasana (4:33)
- Ullola: Setu Bandhasana (13:19)
- Gomukhasana (9:49)
- Rajakapotasana (4:59)
- Bhujangasana (7:36)
- Pranayama / Meditation / Kirtan (13:47)
- Intro to Vishuddha and Seated options (16:27)
- Hands Behind Head Breathing (3:29)
- Parivritta Samana Mudra (2 versions) (7:06)
- Bhujangasana Padadristi (5:10)
- Viparitakarani Mudra (15:11)
- Matsyasana (6:48)
- Ardha Matsyandrasana (5:46)
- Salamba Sarvangasana & Setu Bandhasana (8:08)
- Creative Sound (16:04)
- Simha Mudra (4:21)
- Pranayama, Meditation & Mantra (6:32)
- Intro to Ajna & Some Seated Options (9:49)
- Eye Yoga (2:42)
- Lateral Head Tilt Ullola (2:11)
- Tadasana Prana-Beam (3:59)
- Parsvottanasana (3:36)
- Garudasana (2:44)
- Warrior 3 & Ajna Flow (5:59)
- Ardha Pincha-Mayurasana (3:49)
- Halasana (5:16)
- Shambhavi Mudra (4:31)
- Trataka (5:33)
- Nadi Shodana (10:36)
- Mantra - AUM (5:37)
Your Yoga Teacher
James's journey into the transformative realm of yoga began on the vibrant streets of London and deepened amidst the ethereal sunrise practices in Udaipur with the venerable yogi, Prakash. It was here, on the ancient rooftops, that he not only developed a profound dedication to yoga but also uncovered its healing prowess. After averting a potentially career-ending neck surgery through disciplined yoga practice, he was inspired to delve deeper into its restorative power, traveling back to India to immerse himself in extensive training and beginning his vocation as a Yoga Teacher.
With over a thousand hours devoted to honing his expertise, including dual 300-hour certifications and guidance from luminaries like Jason Crandell and Sri Prem Baba, James blends a wealth of knowledge with an intrinsic passion for psycho-spiritual work. His classes are more than just a physical practice; they are an exploration of the mind-body-spirit connection, tapping into the subtle energies and emotional tapestries within us all. As an advocate for inner peace and healing, he intricately weaves his rich experience throughout each course, fostering a transformative experience that resonates with the core principles of the Chakra system.
A Thorough Immersion into the fascinating World of Chakras
Revitalise Your Energy and Balance through Chakras
Unlock the Mysteries of Your Spiritual Energy Centres