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200HR Yoga Teacher Training | Main Course
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Hear From Our Past Path Of Yoga Students (3:23)
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WK 1 | Day 1
Welcome To Path Of Yoga (45:07)
Asana | Hatha (134:51)
Pranayama (63:16)
Lecture | The Path Of Yoga | Part 1 (48:32)
Lecture | The Path of Yoga | Part 2 (40:10)
Lecture | The Path of Yoga | Part 3 (26:23)
Q&A | What is the meaning and finger positioning for Anjali and Namaste Mudras? (1:52)
Q&A | How can I get up safely in shoulder stand? (5:46)
Posture Clinic | Tadasana (21:15)
Q&A | Should the tailbone be tucked in in Tadasana? (4:51)
Q&A | In Tadasana should the feet be together or hip distance apart? (3:43)
Posture Clinic | Sun Salutation (11:23)
Q&A | In asana what should come first breath or posture ? (4:33)
Q&A | Stepping from Downdog to Kneeling lunge – can I move my hands back? (1:29)
Seaweed (2:57)
Q&A | To what extent does Yoga evolve and change? (6:56)
Q&A | How should I structure my day and the course? (5:31)
Q&A | What is yoga for you? (15:33)
WK1 | Day 2
Asana | Hatha (130:31)
Pranayama (60:27)
Q&A | Why do I struggle with the Ujaii inhale? (22:10)
Q&A | I have issues with Happy Baby, can you help me? (8:30)
Q&A | What length should the inhale and exhale be? (5:52)
Q&A | Why do teachers tend to not include much Pranayama in their studio classes? (8:38)
Q&A | Tips for practicing Kapalabhati (3:10)
Q&A | Questions about mauna, silent retreats and Vipassana (5:32)
Q&A | Can you please explain how to breathe into the collar bones? (3:23)
Q&A | Can Brahma Mudra be done with closed eyes? (1:02)
Q&A | Why do you coach to internally rotate the legs and thighs? (7:03)
Q&A | More on internally rotating the thighs (1:57)
Lecture | Pancha Kosha | Part 1 (59:07)
Lecture | Pancha Kosha | Part 2 (25:37)
Q&A | Questions about Pancha Kosha (6:37)
Q&A | Are there other versions of the Pancha Kosha? (1:09)
Q&A | Any advice on how to deal with injuries on the emotional level? (12:31)
Q&A | Is Yoga a state or a practice? (6:22)
Q&A | Could I be doing too many practices? (6:06)
Q&A | What is Samadhi? (8:31)
Skating (4:39)
Lecture | Kriyas (68:24)
Q&A | Should the Kriyas be done in a particular order? (5:45)
Q&A | When raising arms over head, should they go straight ahead or to the side? (2:41)
Q&A | Should sun salutations be done at a particular pace? (2:02)
Q&A | I'm having problems with my wrists. What can I do? (2:38)
Q&A | Importance of practicing teaching regularly (1:50)
Q&A | Can I teach a complete beginner for my first practicum? (3:17)
Basic Teaching Skills | Keep It Simple and Relax Yourself (9:32)
WK 1 | Day 3
Asana | Vinyasa (129:39)
Pranayama (62:40)
Q&A | Are there times when we should or shouldn't use the ujjayi breath? (5:07)
Q&A | Can you help me with Maya Yoga Pranayama? (1:49)
Q&A | Uddiana Bandha is creating pressure in my neck – what should I do? (4:37)
Sanskrit | 1 (14:25)
Lecture | The Meaning of Asana (56:02)
Q&A | Discussing translations of Sthira Sukham Asanam (1:18)
New Lecture (3:45)
Mosquito 1 (1:04)
Lecture | Conscious Communication (60:26)
Q&A | How do you even know you have unmet needs? (6:12)
Lecture | Self-Practice (6:58)
Q&A | Why do Pranayama and meditation come after the asana practice? (11:16)
Posture Clinic | The Pelvis (10:24)
Posture Clinic | Props (3:47)
Posture Clinic | Adho Mukha Svanasana (19:35)
Q&A | Should I have my heels up or down in Adho Mukha Svanasana? (8:36)
Posture Clinic | Anjaneyasana (6:02)
Q&A | Is Anjaneyasana the same as a deep lunge? (3:44)
Q&A | Should the toes be pointed or tucked in Anjaneyasana? (4:10)
Practicum Requirements | Surya Namaskar (5:56)
Q&A | How long is a breath in the sun salutation? (8:23)
Q&A | Should I demo in the practicum? (2:03)
Q&A | What if my student can’t do chaturanga? (2:02)
Basic Teaching Skills | Where to Stand (7:25)
Q&A | How many Surya Namaskara should I do? (2:03)
Q&A | Discussing Chaturanga (how to improve, alternatives, uses, tricep presses) (23:29)
Q&A | Where should knees and feet face in Tadasana? (7:06)
WK 1 | Day 4
Q&A | What is the “ideal length” of a Yoga practice? (12:33)
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Q&A | In Maha Yoga Pranayama does your belly remain expanded throughout the inhale? (2:55)
Q&A | What to do if Uddiana Bandha makes me feel nauseous? (3:21)
Q&A | How can I help stop my legs from going numb during seated meditation? (5:03)
Q&A | Can I teach a pose that I struggle to do myself? (5:55)
Q&A | I’m feeling lightheaded during morning practice, what should I do? (5:26)
Q&A | Thoughts and questions about the Tongue Scraper (3:46)
Sanskrit | 2 (12:15)
Lecture | Prana & Pranayama (19:47)
Lecture | Asana Fundamentals 1 | Foundation (32:25)
Yoga Backpack (3:23)
Q&A | I can’t lift up into Urdhva Dhanurasana, what should I do? (7:54)
Lecture | Introduction to Yama & Niyama (64:40)
Lecture | Yama | Ahimsa (57:50)
Basic Teaching Skills | Karma Yoga (6:33)
Q&A | Discussing feelings self-doubt arising when practicing yoga alone at home (4:32)
Q&A | Interacting with pets during mauna (4:47)
Q&A | Finding it hard waking up so early and doing a long yoga practice first thing (2:46)
Chanting (40:07)
WK 1 | Day 5
Asana | Foundation (138:00)
Pranayama (59:16)
Q&A | How do you choose an intention at the start of the class? (11:01)
Q&A | Dealing with excess saliva production during meditation (8:33)
Q&A | How can I get consent for adjustments? (18:22)
Q&A | Can you say more about Yin and Yang energies? (7:47)
Lecture | Asana Fundamentals 2 | The Breath (43:16)
Posture Clinic | Balasana (7:01)
Posture Clinic | Ardha Uttanasana (8:15)
Q&A | Coaching Ardha Uttanasana (8:38)
Posture Clinic | Khumbakasana (6:57)
Q&A | How much should I move around the room when teaching? (1:30)
Dynamic Stretch | The Shoulder Joint (4:35)
Lecture | Conscious Eating (23:38)
Q&A | Which lifestyle changes should I make first? (4:09)
Q&A | Should I be using a herbal toothpaste? (2:32)
Q&A | How do I deal with sugar addiction and compulsive tendencies? (33:21)
Basic Teaching Skills | Body Language (5:05)
Q&A | I'm struggling with the 3 hour morning fast. Do you have any advice? (6:39)
Q&A | Hand and knee positioning in Bakasana (4:10)
Q&A | Should you question your teacher or is it disrespectful? (11:08)
Q&A | Should I teach a pose that I cannot do? (4:24)
Lecture | Yama | Satya (62:10)
Meditation | Joy (12:21)
Q&A | In the practicums do I need to demonstrate or just talk the poses through? (2:37)
WK 1 | Day 6
Asana | Hatha | Breath (130:37)
Pranayama (51:52)
Q&A | How to deal with with bad blood flow and "frozen feet" during practice? (2:00)
Q&A | What is the name of the pranayama that Rory shows us in his second class? (1:01)
Q&A | Is it okay to do the three part yogic breath in reverse order? (2:45)
Q&A | What food do you serve on the live courses? (7:44)
Lecture | Asana Fundamentals 3 | Drishti (13:15)
Lecture | Meditation | Part 1 (58:11)
Lecture | Meditation | Part 2 (64:11)
Q&A | What is a visualisation meditation? (5:30)
Ring Drill | 1 (4:20)
Sanskrit | 3 (12:15)
Posture Clinic | Chaturanga Dandasana | Part 1 (25:32)
Posture Clinic | Chaturanga Dandasana | Part 2 (1:45)
Q&A | How important is alignment in Yoga? (2:01)
Posture Clinic | Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (10:01)
Q&A | Can you clarify the Ardha Uttanasana coaching points? (8:38)
Q&A | Mat positioning when teaching and doing the practicums (2:00)
Basic Teaching Skills | How to Speak | 1 (4:28)
Practice | Prem Baba Breath (20:41)
Practice | Outward Consciousness Meditation
WK1 | Day 7
Asana | Vinyasa (133:56)
Pranayama (55:45)
Q&A | Is it ok to do energising pranayamas in the evenings? (2:17)
Q&A | If I’m doing my practicum via zoom, is the mat placement still in a T shape? (10:29)
Q&A | Do you have some practical advice for how to make the practicum video? (8:17)
Lecture | The Chakras | Part 1 (53:24)
Lecture | The Chakras | Part 2 (46:29)
Club Swinger | 1 (2:49)
Lecture | The Chakras | Part 3 (49:25)
Q&A | Can a Chakra be blocked in both a deficient and an excessive state? (11:14)
Q&A | Is there a link between The Pancha Kosha and The Chakras? (3:53)
Meditation | Shushumna (19:38)
Q&A | How do I overcome feelings of self-doubt? (15:12)
Basic Teaching Skills | How to Speak | 2 (14:14)
Quiz | End Of Week 1
Practicum | Week 1 | Details
Q&A | Where does the music for the chants come from? (9:28)
Q&A | Can we chant during a normal class or should we create a specific session for chanting? (4:25)
Chanting | 2 (44:33)
Moving On To Week 2
Progressing to Week 2
WK 2 | Day 1
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Practice | Music Meditation (23:16)
Q&A | What alternatives can I offer a student who is unable to walk their hands back from downward facing dog? (2:07)
Q&A | Why does Path of Yoga teach this particular version of Surya Namaskar as opposed to the traditional A or B version? (8:22)
Q&A | What cues can I give to a student who's back is rounded in downward facing dog? (2:29)
Q&A | Is it ok to use notes when teaching? (7:07)
Anatomy | Module 1 | Intelligent Movement Principles (187:09)
Q&A | How do we develop Sthira in our asana practice? (8:45)
Q&A | What is joint stacking? (8:52)
Q&A | I have a block around chanting... what should I do? (11:32)
Q&A | How do you deal with addiction? (14:40)
Q&A | How to deal with procrastination, mental blocks and fear of failure? (14:37)
WK 2 | Day 2
Asana | Hatha | Drishti (130:39)
Pranayama (62:39)
Lecture | Asana Fundamentals 4 | The Bandhas (51:42)
Q&A | When should you teach the bandhas? (3:56)
Lecture | Sequencing | 1 (30:19)
Homework | Week 2
Posture Clinic | Ullolas (3:29)
Posture Clinic | Tricep Press (11:04)
Q&A | Can you help me with my Tricep press? (8:27)
Q&A | I have slight scoliosis and I find it hard to do Chaturanaga. Should I keep trying? (2:52)
Posture Clinic | The Vinyasa Back Bends (14:27)
Q&A | How to use the arms in cobra (7:54)
Posture Clinic | Padagusthasana (3:20)
Posture Clinic | Warrior Sequence (10:29)
Mosquito | 2 (1:15)
Lecture | The Yamas | Asteya (45:36)
Q&A | Is incorporating other people's teachings going against Asteya? (4:24)
Basic Teaching Skills | Mirroring (12:09)
Q&A | Should I mirror when teaching online? (6:07)
Q&A | Where should I sit when teaching? (3:06)
Q&A | Has anyone experienced crying or emotional release during Chanting classes (Bhakti)? (9:33)
Chanting | 3 (44:31)
WK 2 | Day 3
Asana | Bandhas (101:16)
Pranayama (84:32)
Q&A | I have a hip injury, can I modify the Sun Salutation? (8:47)
Q&A | Should we use Ujaii all the time or is it ok to take breaks? (9:07)
Q&A | What are the correct cues for Mulabandha? (15:33)
Q&A | Can you help me with Jalandhara Bandha? (1:32)
Q&A | How can I cultivate mauna during and after my classes? (4:28)
Lecture | Asana Fundamentals 5 | Space (18:02)
Lecture | Yoga Nidra (53:24)
Practice | Yoga Nidra (52:30)
Lecture | Assists & Adjusts (71:13)
Bench Drill (2:57)
Posture Clinic | Virabhadrasana B (14:32)
Q&A | How can I relieve the compression in my lower back in Virabhadrasana B?? (4:38)
Q&A | How to flow to Virabhadrasana B? (3:59)
Basic Teaching Skills | Be Concise (4:10)
Meditation | Joy | 2 (17:50)
Q&A | Is it normal to have tearful emotions during asana? (15:47)
WK 2 | Day 4
Asana | Space (131:11)
Pranayama (67:07)
Q&A | Can you say more about how to teach the Bandhas? (5:12)
Q&A | Can you explain how to “spiral” the arms in Adho Mukha Svanasana? (3:34)
Q&A | Can we teach children after this course? (6:06)
Q&A | When can we refer to someone as "my teacher"? (4:23)
Q&A | I'm struggling to practice in a shared house, any tips to take the practice off the mat? (16:38)
Mindfulness Homework (6:31)
Meditation | Mindfulness (20:50)
Posture Clinic | Reverse Warrior (5:21)
Posture Clinic | Utthita Parsvakonasana (13:00)
Adjusts | Tadasana (2:22)
Q&A | How do you help students with lower back issues? (9:06)
Club Swinger | 2 (1:39)
Basic Teaching Skills | Authenticity (2:28)
Q&A | What to do when a student looks like they hate your class? (4:49)
Q&A | Which books do you recommend for Yoga Nidra? (1:15)
Q&A | Questions about falling asleep in Yoga Nidra (7:28)
Q&A | Can Yoga Nidra help aleviate the negative feelings after a bad dream? (2:59)
Lecture | Death & The Destination of the Soul | Part 1 (64:59)
Lecture | Death & The Destination of the Soul | Part 2 (41:50)
Practice | Death & The Destination of the Soul (42:23)
WK 2 | Day 5
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Q&A | How to modify Adho Mukha Svanasana for a student with kyphosis? (8:45)
Q&A | I had a really strong emotional reaction to the death practice, can you help? (2:13)
Q&A | Can I teach Yoga Nidra after completing this course? (3:49)
Sanskrit | 4 (6:38)
Anatomy | Module 2 | Part 1 (40:17)
Ball & String | 1 (2:02)
Posture Clinic | Utthita Trikonasana (16:17)
Q&A | Question about the hand position in Uttitha Trikonasana? (5:31)
Posture Clinic | Paschimottanasana & Janu Sirsasana (18:38)
Q&A | In forward folds is it better to have legs straight and not fold as far, or to bend the knees? (3:06)
Q&A | How much should the spine curve in forward folds? (9:29)
Posture Clinic | Baddhakonasana (3:33)
Posture Clinic | Savasana (11:32)
Assists | Shalabasana (1:26)
Assists | Seated (2:22)
Q&A | Should the hand go on the inside or the outside of the foot in Utthita Parsvakonasana and Utthita Trikonasana? (8:10)
Q&A | I'm struggling with the cue 'engage the thigh to lift the kneecap' (3:06)
Lecture | The Yamas | Brahmacharya (66:42)
Basic Teaching Skills | Demonstrating (21:30)
Q&A | Is it ok for me to use more demos when teaching a multicultural public? (5:56)
Q&A | What's the best way of teaching a beginner? (7:41)
Q&A | More questions about where to stand and where to demo? (9:24)
Q&A | Any suggestions on how to transition from standing to seated? (4:24)
Chanting | 4 (43:21)
WK 2 | Day 6
Asana | Vinyasa | Binds (126:39)
Pranayama (59:02)
Posture Clinic | High Lunge/Crescent Lunge (6:37)
Posture Clinic | Parivrtta Parsva Konasana (8:22)
Posture Clinic | Parsvottanasana (10:29)
Posture Clinic | Parivrtta Trikonasana (11:44)
Posture Clinic | Vrksasana (5:59)
Assists | Balasana (2:04)
Assists | Surya Namaskar (6:32)
Floor Drill (8:16)
Lecture | The Yamas | Aparigraha (61:47)
Basic Teaching Skills | Watch Your Body & Red Zone (7:02)
Anatomy | Module 2 | Part 2 (154:14)
WK 2 | Day 7
Asana | Chakras | Part 1 (83:36)
Asana | Chakras | Part 2 (105:49)
Q&A | Why might you choose to not let the feet touch when doing chakra-related poses? (2:29)
Q&A | How did you choose the music for the Chakras practice? (18:30)
Q&A | Challenges in Yoga Nidra (7:28)
Q&A | Guidance on writing your own Yoga Nidra (3:44)
Q&A - In Tibetan lucid dreaming, how do we know when our dreams are no longer influenced by our karma? (8:07)
Q&A | Do you live the Samadhi state? (5:45)
Sanskrit | 5 (5:32)
Lecture | Conscious Communication | 2 (56:09)
Q&A | More about NVC (8:28)
Q&A | How does non-attachment apply to past emotions and trauma? (4:55)
Club Swinger | 3 (1:26)
Lecture | Stress & Anxiety | Part 1 (58:00)
Quiz | End Of Week 2
Basic Teaching Skills | Language | 1 (10:14)
Q&A | How do I get rid of my habit of using filler words when teaching? (1:18)
Prem Baba Breath & Meditation
Moving on to Week 3
Progressing to Week 3
Week 3 | Day 1
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Q&A | Where does the teacher stand in a small room? (11:16)
Q&A | Can you help me with lucid dreaming? (5:52)
Posture Clinic | Virabhadrasana C (7:48)
Q&A | Do we stop the Ujaii breath in Savasana? (1:13)
Q&A | Can I teach Bhramari pranayama with a different mudra than you taught us? (1:12)
Posture Clinic | Ardha Matsyendrasana (7:06)
Q&A | Ideally how should the feet be positioned in wheel pose? (3:24)
Q&A | Should you engage your glutes in bridge pose? (2:55)
Lecture & Practice | Japa & Aum (77:12)
Lecture | Stress & Anxiety | Part 2 (17:37)
Practice | Anxiety & Unprocessed Grief (134:46)
Week 3 | Day 2
Practice | Vinyasa | Outer Hips (130:30)
Pranayama (68:55)
Q&A | How to deal with smoking? (26:08)
Lecture | Sequencing 2 | Part 1 (55:41)
Lecture | Sequencing 2 | Part 2 (43:24)
Q&A | At what stage of my class should Pranayama be done? (9:17)
Practicum Requirement | Week 3 (14:34)
Sequencing Review (23:45)
Q&A | Can you clarify how to sequence the poses in the video practicum? (1:03)
Q&A | Can we design a class around the gunas? (2:31)
Q&A | How should I integrate the Yamas and Niyamas into my practicum? (8:11)
Posture Clinic | Prasarita Padottanasana & Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana (14:40)
Assists | Adho Mukha Svanasana | 1 (5:33)
Assists | Virabhadrasana 2 (3:04)
Q&A | What do you think about Cultural Appropriation? (19:48)
Ball & String | 2 (1:43)
Anatomy | Module 3 | Part 1 (56:09)
Basic Teaching Skills | Language | 2 (15:56)
Week 3 | Day 3
Practice | Hatha | The 5 Fundamentals (129:20)
Pranayama (66:48)
Q&A | Is it ok to do Virabhadrasana C before Parivrtta Trikonasana? (5:23)
Anatomy | Module 3 | Part 2 (48:39)
Posture Clinic | Ardha Chandrasana (7:36)
Posture Clinic | Salamba Sarvangasana & Matsyasana (14:58)
Posture Clinic | Halasana (3:57)
Q&A | Discussing Salamba Sarvangasana. Positioning, variations and safety (13:29)
Q&A| Question about Shoulder Stand variations (2:54)
Full Body Pandiculation | Part 1 (7:35)
Basic Teaching Skills | Coaching Points (6:59)
Q&A | 45 min class plan analysis (LK) (17:30)
Lecture | The Niyamas | Saucha (59:52)
Q&A | How to dialogue with people who don't know about NVC? (5:59)
Q&A | What to do when one student is more challenged than the others? (27:21)
Practice | Anatomy | Module 3 (63:40)
Week 3 | Day 4
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Q&A | Where do you see Yoga going in the future? (15:44)
Anatomy | Module 4 | Part 1 (69:56)
45 min Class Plan (MK) (22:24)
Lecture | Menstruation (24:53)
Assists | Utthita Parsva Konasana (5:12)
Assists | Utthita Trikonasana (2:37)
Assists | Parivrtta Parsva Konasana (4:14)
Class Plan Analysis 1 (14:16)
Q&A | Can you help me with the coaching points for the Bandhas? (18:29)
Basic Teaching Skills | Language 3 (12:26)
Club Swinger | 4 (1:18)
Lecture | Heart Work (77:53)
Chanting | 5 (48:16)
Week 3 | Day 5
Practice | Vinyasa | Backbends (134:20)
Pranayama (62:06)
45 min Class Plan (EBD) (11:36)
Q&A | Can I put a backbend in my week three Class Plan? (2:50)
Posture Clinic | Paripurna Navasana (4:55)
Q&A | How can I improve my Navasana? (4:54)
Q&A | Should my knees touch in boat pose? (3:12)
Posture Clinic | Purvottanasana (7:02)
Basic Teaching Skills_How Much Should I Say (2:32)
Plate Spinner (3:31)
Anatomy | Module 4 | Part 2 (107:22)
Lecture | The Niyamas | Santosha (62:36)
Q&A | Do you always use a script for Yoga Nidra? (6:00)
Yoga Nidra | Practice | Mountain
Week 3 | Day 6
Practice | Arm Balances (105:29)
Pranayama (58:30)
Lecture | Introduction to the Work (103:33)
Posture Clinic | Gomukhasana (5:51)
Q&A | What are the benefits of Gomukhasana? (4:50)
Assists | Adho Mukha Svanasana | 2 (12:11)
Assists | Twists (5:18)
Class Plan Analysis 2 (25:29)
Anatomy | Module 5 | Part 1 (96:33)
Basic Teaching Skills | Build Trust (2:18)
Full Body Pandiculation | Part 2 (5:00)
Lecture | The Niyamas | Tapas (51:57)
Q&A | Why do i feel frustrated about not fully embodying the Yamas and Niyamas? (8:57)
Chanting | 6 (40:51)
Week 3 | Day 7
Practice | Blindfold (178:04)
Sanskrit | 6 (6:05)
Q&A | 45 min Class Plan (DG) (6:46)
Lecture | Conscious Communication | 3 (26:53)
Lecture | Introduction to Ayurveda (125:51)
Posture Clinic | Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (11:22)
Assists | Savasana (8:13)
Dynamic Reclining Twist (3:22)
Q&A | Questions about the week 3 practicum video (5:39)
Anatomy | Module 5 | Part 2 (114:01)
Practicum | Teaching Practice | Homework
Moving On To Week 4
Progressing to Week 4
Week 4 | Day 1
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Practicum Requirement | Week 4 (12:37)
Q&A | Self-inquiry feels lonely and painful, can you help? (11:03)
Lecture | Heart Opener & Backbends (28:43)
Q&A Can I do Balasana as a counter-pose for Salamba Sarvangasana? (11:36)
Q&A | I have back problems. How can I teach wheel pose if I cannot demonstrate it? (9:41)
Posture Clinic | Urdhva Dhanurasana & Bridge Pose (22:25)
Posture Clinic | Sirsasana (12:00)
Assists | Sirsasana (5:44)
Q&A | What if I don't feel confident with the headstand assist? (8:06)
Q&A | What are some good counter-poses for Sirsasana? (2:54)
Basic Teaching Skills | Triggering Language (3:22)
Club Swinger 5 (1:31)
Q&A | Shoulder rotation and back activation in downward dog (9:26)
Q&A | What are Samskaras? (3:13)
Q&A | Can we continue learning with you after this course? (9:11)
Week 4 | Day 2
Practice | Vinyasa | Twists (119:02)
Pranayama (62:54)
Posture Clinic | Uttitha Hasta Padagusthasana (7:24)
Basic Teaching Skills | Record Yourself Teaching (2:53)
Anatomy | Module 6 | Part 1 (89:11)
Hip-Leg Rehab (4:16)
The Work | Facilitation (113:24)
Q&A | I am struggling with the questions on ‘Judge your Neighbour’ Can you help? (10:44)
Q&A | When doing the worksheet, what if someone answers like this? (5:45)
Chanting (42:56)
Week 4 | Day 3
Practice | Hatha | Effortlessness (130:22)
Pranayama | Day 16 (62:02)
Q&A | Is it ok to move my hips and body during nauli? (2:25)
Q&A | What angle should my pelvis and body be at in Salamba Sarvangasana? (6:08)
Q&A | Does Nadi Shodana have another name? (7:06)
Q&A | Is teaching “yoga for back pain” inviting impure motivation? (24:30)
Posture Clinic | Bakasana (10:14)
Basic Teaching Skills | Workshopping (5:14)
60 min Class Plan (RL) (19:40)
Q&A | If you could change one thing about yoga, what would it be? (7:52)
Neck Rehab (2:47)
Anatomy | Module 6 | Part 2 (84:41)
Q&A | How do you help students modify in a zoom call? (5:36)
Q&A | Do you live the Samadhi state? (5:45)
Pranayama & Meditation
Week 4 | Day 4
Asana & Pranayama | Self Practice
Q&A | Are Yoga Teachers more balanced than everyone else? (9:18)
Q&A | Does the position of the tongue matter whilst you're doing Ujaii breathing? (2:36)
Posture Clinic | Natarajasana (10:49)
Posture Clinic | Upavistha Konasana (4:19)
Assists | Upavistha Konasana (4:03)
Assists | Paschimottanasana (3:12)
Posture Clinic | Reclining Twist (4:25)
Assists | Handstand (12:23)
Q&A | What to do if the elbows are in Hyperflexion in Handstand? (4:56)
Basic Teaching Skills | You Gotta Roll With It (4:55)
Lecture | The Niyamas | Svadhyaya (53:58)
Q&A | What is Jnana Yoga? (5:09)
Q&A | Is it ever unsafe to be working with Yoga Nidra? (14:11)
Nidra Bihar 2 | Floating Body
Week 4 | Day 5
Practice | Vinyasa | Backbends | 2 (120:14)
Pranayama (61:36)
Q&A | Whats my responsibility when teaching a class? (11:41)
Sanskrit (10:31)
Lecture | Dealing with Injuries (16:58)
Basic Teaching Skills | The Golden Rule (2:14)
Handstand Prep with Ring (2:42)
Lecture | The Niyamas | Ishvara Pranidhana (57:20)
Chanting (41:56)
Week 4 | Day 6
Practice | Hatha | Yoga as a State of Being (122:38)
Pranayama (61:12)
Q&A | Do you have to practice yoga to be a yogi? (2:39)
Q&A | How to deepen the practice of Yamas in a context that is more challenging? (4:32)
Q&A | Can I teach a pose that I'm unable to do? (6:06)
Practicum | Teaching Practice
Quiz | Week 4
Information for the Final Practice (3:17)
Bihar Nidra
Week 4 | Day 7
Practice | Silent Lotus Flower (150:46)
Lecture | Business & Ethics (177:40)
Lecture | Marketing (27:07)
Lecture | Social Media | Branding (106:55)
Gratitude (29:34)
Congratulations (9:07)
Q&A | More on internally rotating the thighs
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